3500/4500 KG
880 KG
105 KG
5 YR
Fire + Dust Suppression
4.5T Towing Capacities
Delivery Australia Wide
Purpose Built for Fire + Dust Suppression
Delivery Australia Wide
3500/4500 KG
880 KG
105 KG
3 YR
The main design feature of the fabricated chassis is the 5mm C-Section Channel that runs the full length of the trailer allowing the chassis to flex and move as it negotiates rough road terrain.
The C-Section fabricated chassis is made of
laser cut, CNC folded, 350 grade*, open chassis members
allowing for easy wash down and cleaning, with no enclosed areas where mud, sand and salt can get trapped and cause corrosion.
*350 grade is higher tensile steel. Box Section is 300 grade and most C sections are 300.
1 - Load Sharing Leaf Spring Suspension Set
The Load Sharing Leaf Spring Suspension Set ensures a safe and stable trailer on and off-road.
The load-sharing system distributes weight evenly between the two wheels, ensuring the load remains level and the weight strain isn't put on one wheel.
4 - 12-Inch Electric Drum Brakes
Electric Drum Brakes provide a safe and reliable braking solution.
We provide a 12-inch drum brake as these are heavy-duty and robust.
2 - 3000 kg 65mm Square Steel Axles
The 3000kg 65mm Square Steel Axles result in a stronger, yet lighter suspension set-up. The steel size of 65mm ensures the trailer can safely carry over 3000kg.
Dual Row Taper Roller Bearings
Each trailer has 4 Dual Row Taper Roller Bearings.
These are 3000kg each, with a triple lip marine seal with a secondary O-Ring seal incorporated into the dust cap.
These bearings come with a 3-year manufacturer's warranty.
16 Inch Wheels, 5 Stud Landcruiser Pattern and All Terrain 235RI6/75 New Tyres
Each trailer is fitted with All Terrain 235RI6 / 75 New Tyres.
These tyres are equipped with 16-inch wheels with 5 Stud Landcruiser patterns.
Ratchet Trailer Handbrake and 50mm Coupling
The Water Trailer is fitted with a Ratchet Trailer Handbrake as standard.
The 50mm Coupler comes standard with all 3500 kgs ATM Trailers and can be swapped to a 70mm Coupler if registering the trailer at 4500 kgs ATM.
Break-Away System
The trailer Break-Away System is the ultimate emergency brake. It is designed to bring the trailer to a stop in the unlikely event it breaks away from the tow vehicle.
The Load Sharing Leaf Spring Suspension Set ensures a safe and stable trailer on and off-road.
The load-sharing system distributes weight evenly between the two wheels, ensuring the load remains level and the weight strain isn't put on one wheel.
Electric Drum Brakes provide a safe and reliable braking solution.
We provide a 12-inch drum brake as these are heavy-duty and robust.
The 3000kg 65mm Square Steel Axles result in a stronger, yet lighter suspension set-up. The steel size of 65mm ensures the trailer can safely carry over 3000kg.
Each trailer has 4 Dual Row Taper Roller Bearings.
These are 3000kg each, with a triple lip marine seal with a secondary O-Ring seal incorporated into the dust cap.
These bearings come with a 3-year manufacturer's warranty.
Each trailer is fitted with All Terrain 235RI6 / 75 New Tyres.
These tyres are equipped with 16-inch wheels with 5 Stud Landcruiser patterns.
The Water Trailer is fitted with a Ratchet Trailer Handbrake as standard.
The 50mm Coupler comes standard with all 3500 kgs ATM Trailers and can be swapped to a 70mm Coupler if registering the trailer at 4500 kgs ATM.
The trailer Break-Away System is the ultimate emergency brake.
It is designed to bring the trailer to a stop in the unlikely event it breaks away from the tow vehicle.
2000L Poly Water Tank
The 2000L Poly Water tank is situated on the chassis.
This size tank can be swapped for a 1000L, 1500L, or 3000L option.
The tank is filled with bone baffling that works to minimises the surging of the water while in transit.
High-Volume, Low Pressure Pump
The Water Trailer is equipped with a High-Volume, Low Pressure Pump with a max flow of 710L per minute.
The maximum pressure is 30m head (40 psi).
The maximum suction is 8m head
Pump with 2-Inch Outlet
The pump with a 2-inch outlet allows for the water tank to be refilled via suction.
You can use the hose provided to fill the tank from any available water source.
Spray Bar
The Spray Bar is attached to the rear of the trailer and can be activated simultaneously for the suppression of dust on dirt roads or work sites.
30m long, 19mm Fire Hose + Holder
The 19mm Fire Hose is 30m long and is stored in a reel at the rear of the water trailer.
This fire hose can be used for fire control, dust suppression, equipment hose down, and civil landscaping.
It comes with an adjustable nozzle that allows you to change the force of the water.
The 2000L Poly Water tank is situated on the chassis.
This size tank can be swapped for a 1000L, 1500L, or 3000L option.
The tank is filled with bone baffling that works to minimise the surging of the water while in transit.
The Water Trailer is equipped with a High-Volume, Low Pressure Pump with a max flow of 710L per minute.
The maximum pressure is 30m head (40 psi).
The maximum suction is 8m head
The pump with a 2-inch outlet allows for the water tank to be refilled via suction.
You can use the hose provided to fill the tank from any available water source.
The Spray Bar is attached to the rear of the trailer and can be activated simultaneously for the suppression of dust on dirt roads or work sites.
The 19mm Fire Hose is 30m long and is stored in a reel at the rear of the water trailer.
This fire hose can be used for fire control, dust suppression, equipment hose down, and civil landscaping.
It comes with an adjustable nozzle that allows you to change the force of the water.
Laser cut section chassis designed to allow the sub frame to flex and move as it negotiates rough road terrain. This refined technology helps you fluidly navigate rough off road terrain.
To view the build options for this trailer,
download our catalogue.